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B-CC Meals on Wheels FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions


Is my home in the B-CC Meals on Wheels service area?

How often are meals delivered?

What meals are delivered?

I'm on a low salt diet.  How much salt is in the meals?

How much do meals cost?

What if the cost of daily meals is a problem?

What happens on snow days?

What if I can’t be there to receive meals for a day or more?

What preparation do I have to do for a delivery?


Is my home in the B-CC Meals on Wheels service area? 

Enter your address in this Montgomery County site to see which Meals on Wheels organization serves your location.

How often are meals delivered? 

We deliver meals Monday through Friday between 9:30 a.m. and noon.  We do not deliver meals on New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth (usually June 19th), Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, the day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.  There is no charge for meals on these holidays.

What meals are delivered? 

There are two nutritionally balanced meals in each delivery.  One meal is packaged like a TV dinner and is delivered frozen.  It contains an entrée, a vegetable and a carbohydrate.  It can be heated in a microwave or oven, but not in a toaster oven. The other meal is a box lunch containing sandwich ingredients, a carton of milk , juice, a roll, margarine, a small salad, and dessert or fresh fruit.  Both meals should be refrigerated promptly and remain cold until they are heated or eaten.

I'm on a low salt diet.  How much salt is in the meals? 

Meals are are prepared by Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland in accordance with Montgomery County standards to have low salt content.   

How much do meals cost? 

We purchase our meals from Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland, which supplies other Meals on Wheels organizations in the area.  The meals cost $5.75 per meal or $11.50 per day (subject to change).  Payment for the month is due in advance on the first delivery day of each month.  You will receive a bill which states the cost for the coming month, with credit adjustments for missed meals in the previous month.   We cannot accept credit cards.  Your personal check is the preferred method of payment.  Checks should be made payable to “B-CC Meals on Wheels” and mailed in the stamped and addressed envelope included with the bill.

What if the cost of daily meals is a problem? Montgomery County has extensive services for senior citizens, including nutrition programs that include subsidized meals.  Information on County programs can be found here.

To apply for County assistance for B-CC Meals on Wheels meal delivery, call Dave Bennett or Ed Rastatter at 301-654-4610. Some clients who do not qualify for County assistance take meals Monday, Wednesday and Friday rather than 5 days a week, which will reduce monthly costs by 40%.

What happens on snow days? Meal delivery will be cancelled when severe weather (such as heavy snow, ice, or hurricane) prevents safe delivery by our volunteers.  Delivery cancellation announcements will be broadcast on WJLA-TV Channel 7.  Announcements are broadcast from about 6:00 a.m. to about 9:00 a.m. and generally follow Montgomery County School System announcements:  if schools are closed, we will not deliver.  If schools open late, we will generally deliver that day, but later. You should keep enough food in your home to feed yourself for several days in an emergency such as severe winter weather, which may prevent our delivery. You will not be charged when meal deliveries are cancelled and you will be credited for missed meals when we collect the following month. 


You are responsible for keeping the path from the curb to your door safe for our volunteers to walk with slipping or falling.  If it isn’t safe for you, it isn’t safe for our drivers either.  Our volunteers are our most important resource and their safety is essential.  No refunds or credit will be granted for meals that can’t be delivered safely because of accumulated ice or snow.


What if I can’t be there to receive meals for a day or more? 

If you will be away, phone our office at 301-654-4610 the morning before if at all possible to cancel delivery or make special arrangements.  You will not be charged for meals cancelled before we send in our order, which occurs about 9:30 a.m. the day prior to delivery.

What preparation do I have to do for a delivery? 

You become our partner when you apply for this service and there are several things you can do that improve our ability to serve you.  We must deliver the meals directly to you or the caregiver.  Meals cannot be left in an insulated box or a bag hanging from your doorknob. Please be ready to receive your meals when they are delivered, usually between 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.  Adjust the volume on your TV or radio so that you can hear the doorbell, our volunteer’s phone, or a knock at your door.  If you must be away, phone our office before 9:30 a.m. the day before to cancel or make special arrangements.



how often
service area
what meals
low salt
cost is problem
snow days
delivery prep

"I’m diabetic, and for years I was living on Banquet TV dinners. Now, with the balanced and nutritious meals I get from you, my diabetes is well under control. And all the volunteers are so kind and helpful." – Ms E.S.

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